Friday, September 14, 2012

CEF World Headquarters Visit

In mid-August, we attended five days of Missionary Refresher at the CEF World Headquarters in Warrenton, MO. It was wonderful to share what God is doing in Fiji with the other missionaries and headquarters staff.  The beautiful plaza had wonderful reminders as to WHY we are CEF missionaries. We were surprised by a certificate honoring us for 35 years of faithful service with CEF. There was also a surprise birthday ice cream cake for Kent at the end of the week.
Millstone of Matthew 18:6

Jeremy Raises the FIJI Flag...a Fitting Occasion
for his second "homeland" and his last visit to the
CEF headquarters as a CEF MK
Kent, Fiji's CEF National Director,
Prays for the Children of FIJI at the CEF Int'l Headquarters
International Plaza with flags from Various Nations
Around the World
 The Founders of CEF, Rev Jesse & Ruth Overholtzer,
are buried on the property of CEF Inc.
Kent and Becky were recognized for 35 years of ministry
in Child Evangelism Fellowship...
a combined service of 70 years to the children
Kent's Surprise Birthday Party
Ice Cream Cake...YUMMY!

And the "Eagle" Soars!

During the first weekend of September, we headed to  Florida to register Jeremy for his freshman year at Pensacola Christian College. By the end of the week, Jeremy had moved into the dorm, bought books, and started classes for a Sport Management degree. During Greek Rush weekend, Jeremy joined the collegiate Pi Kappa and has since been selected for their intracollegiate soccer team. We are proud of our "PCC Eagle" who is making many new friends and adjusting to his new life. We are also thankful that we will have Christmas together before saying goodbye for 2 1/2 years.  Please PRAY for JEREMY as he learns to juggle the demands of his academic load and social activities.  Thus far, he's doing very well!
Ready to Travel
Packed for Four Years

Welcome to the Class of 2016

Welcome to My Dorm: Ballard South

Four Men Share This Room

At Least My Bed's Made!

Buying Books for Sport Management Major/Business Minor

Our Family Farewell - Our first "eagle" leaves the nest and flies!