- We need approximately USD $ 195,000 to complete the construction of CEF Fiji's national office. If this money comes in soon, construction can be completed by early May 2011. We need a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.
- We urgently need a tenant for our "retirement" home in Durham, NC. We've been without a tenant since June 2010.
- Our personal monthly support level is down by 25% ($2150.00 per month). Several precious and faithful supporters have gone Home to be with the Lord in 2010, thus leaving a substantial "void".
- Kent needs to have a right hip replacement in 2011 and will need to have this done in Sydney, Australia where costs are considerably lower than in the USA.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Our Christmas Wish: PRAYER!
How gracious God has been to us this year! We thank Him for His wonderful blessings! Yet, as the year comes to an end, we find ourselves "standin' in the need of prayer". Would you take a few minutes to lift these concerns up to Lord on our behalf?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010

Our need is critical and urgent. We have LESS than 90 DAYS to raise USD $197,000.00 (Approximately F$400,000) by September 30th, 2010. This is the deadline set by a Christian couple overseas who has pledged to give US$75,000 to the Moriah Project...IF...we raise the balance of USD $225,000.00 by Sept 30th.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Drawn to the Savior!
A desperate young man was "drawn" to the CEF office on Monday morning, May 24th, by the CEF signboard! Kent listened to the sad story of this suicidal young man, Several times, the young man said the sign "drew him" to come to the gate of the CEF office seeking counseling help. Kent carefully explained the wonderful Gospel story and the HOPE that can only be found in the LORD. The young man had been in church ALL his life, but he had NEVER heard the Gospel explained so simply. What a joy for Kent to lead him to Christ! An Indian pastor came to continue counselling in Hindi and took the young man home with him overnight. Praise God...He used even a signboard to draw the lost to Himself! That has been our hearts' desire! Pray for this young man named Nathan as he is discipled to follow the Lord.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Congratulations, Jeremy!
May 10 - 15, Jeremy participated in a squash sports clinic in Suva. From 3 to 5 PM each day, Fiji's two-time gold medalist squash player of the 2007 South Pacific Games coached the advanced teen players. The culmination of the week was a round-robin competition. Jeremy is now officially ranked Fiji's #2 player for both the under-19 and the under-16 categories. Way to go, Jeremy!
Dual Citizenship a Reality
April 28, Kent received his Naturalization Certificate and his Fiji passport;As a dual citizen of both American and Fiji, he no longer needs a work permit that must be renewed every three years nor does he need immigration bonds. He may now register the rest of the family so that Becky, Jeremy, and Katelyn can have Fiji passports as well. Congratulations, Kent!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
VBS or Summer Bible Clubs Missions Project
We are pleased to offer you a SPECIAL KIT of VISUAL AIDS to help you present THE MORIAH PROJECT in your summertime ministries to boys and girls. CLICK HERE to go to the blog!
There arePowerPoint's a giving incentive, song and an instructional letter in this kit. It's all ready for download on the Moriah Project blog. We'd love to hear from you.
PRAY for God's continued blessing and provision so that the final phase of construction can begin within the next few weeks! Let us know if you have any questions. We'll be glad to be of help to you!
There arePowerPoint's a giving incentive, song and an instructional letter in this kit. It's all ready for download on the Moriah Project blog. We'd love to hear from you.
PRAY for God's continued blessing and provision so that the final phase of construction can begin within the next few weeks! Let us know if you have any questions. We'll be glad to be of help to you!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Read our Most Recent Newsletter
Double-click on this link to read our most recent newsletter! Thank you for taking a few minutes to spend with us. Your friendship, partnership and prayers are highly valued! An Expectancy of the Miraculous
Friday, March 19, 2010
Western Fiji Spared
Thank you for praying! While the predicted path indicated Cyclone Thomas would make landfall over the eastern sides of both Vanua Levu and of Viti Levu (the island on which we live) , the actual path shows that the cyclone actually shifted course further east on Sunday night and Monday in Fiji which is Sunday, March 14 USA time! When you prayed, God blew the cyclone further to sea and spared the most populous areas of Fiji from the full wrath of this category 4 hurricane. The smaller islands in its path experienced wide-spread destruction of homes and crops.The full extent of damage is still being assessed.
Truly, "even the wind and and the sea obey HIM!"
Truly, "even the wind and and the sea obey HIM!"
Friday, March 12, 2010
Battening Down The Hatches...AGAIN!
All of Fiji is under a cyclone warning as Cyclone Thomas takes aim for the Fiji group. It is predicted to be a Category 3, possibly a category 4, by the time it reaches our island of Viti Levu. Because of the size and strength of this cyclone (hurricane), the path is unpredictable. If it continues on its current path, the cyclone will pass by Suva on Monday morning in Fiji (Sunday afternoon Eastern Standard Time). Suva is on the southeastern tip of our island. We live on the western side of the main island. If it swings inland, it will pass right over us.
Authorities are urging all residents to prepare as we will be experiencing heavy rain and wind, irregardless of the path of the cyclone. So, we are "battening down" both at home and at the CEF office. A skeleton construction crew is on hand to finish the plastering of the boundary fence today, to be sure the v-drains are clear of debris, and to move all the equipment inside. Cyclone shutters are up; extra water and emergency supplies are on hand.
To tell the truth, it's the waiting that is hard. We would appreciate prayer for all of us in Fiji as we prepare for the worst, and pray for the best.
Authorities are urging all residents to prepare as we will be experiencing heavy rain and wind, irregardless of the path of the cyclone. So, we are "battening down" both at home and at the CEF office. A skeleton construction crew is on hand to finish the plastering of the boundary fence today, to be sure the v-drains are clear of debris, and to move all the equipment inside. Cyclone shutters are up; extra water and emergency supplies are on hand.
To tell the truth, it's the waiting that is hard. We would appreciate prayer for all of us in Fiji as we prepare for the worst, and pray for the best.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tsunami Warning...Fiji Spared Once Again!
February 27, Fiji was on alert for a tsunami resulting from the earthquake in Chile. Kent woke up with the beeping of his cell phone at 1:30 AM when the first disaster message was sent via all the Fiji mobile phone providers. Realizing that we had 8 1/2 hours before the anticipated series of waves arrived, Kent turned over and went back to sleep! When the family was up the next morning, we all knew what to do. Within 15 minutes, Becky, Jeremy, and Katelyn had all the laptops, the important documents, and prescription medicines in bags and at the kitchen door! Meanwhile, Kent alerted the fellows at the office to get ready to evacuate and rushed to the bread shop to buy what was needed. We spent three hours in fellowship with dear Christian friends as we waited for the all-clear signal to go home. We are grateful to God for sparing Fiji from a potentially dangerous tsunami.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
We saw stars!
And the Winner Is...
Jeremy loves to play squash. For those of you who aren't familiar with the game, it is similar to handball or racquetball in that the game is played in an enclosed court. However, the equipment (racket and ball) are different. He began playing in August 2008 in "D Grade" when he realized that all the other sports in Fiji are outdoors in the tropical sun. Uncle Doug's courageous battle with melanoma made an impression on our blue-eyed blond son who decided it was not worth the risk to continually expose his fair skin to the merciless Fiji sun.
Jeremy was quickly bumped up to the "C Grade" and won his first competition in May 2009. He was then promoted to "B Grade". He trained hard, sought advice, and kept challenging himself to play more experienced players, although he lost most of the matches.
December 2009, Jeremy played in the "B Grade" competition.
He won the semi-final and moved on to play a nail-biting final,
And Jeremy won! Jeremy was promoted to the "A Grade" in his squash club. Well done, Jeremy!
Jeremy was quickly bumped up to the "C Grade" and won his first competition in May 2009. He was then promoted to "B Grade". He trained hard, sought advice, and kept challenging himself to play more experienced players, although he lost most of the matches.
December 2009, Jeremy played in the "B Grade" competition.
He won the semi-final and moved on to play a nail-biting final,
And Jeremy won! Jeremy was promoted to the "A Grade" in his squash club. Well done, Jeremy!
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