The funeral service for Kent's brother, Doug, was such a God-honoring service. There were close to 600 people who came to the family visitation on Sunday night prior to the funeral on Monday afternoon. The assembly of so many friends were testimony to the many lives that were blessed and touched by Doug's "quiet" service to the Lord. He was a missionary in his own right.
The funeral service was led by Doug's pastor, Rev. Greg Allison, along with his brother-in-law, Rev. Bob Scott, from Texas. Doug's son, Stephen, sang three beautiful solo's for his dad and his daughter, Amber, wrote a beautiful poem. We praise the Lord for blessing our family with Doug who was not only a husband, dad, grandfather, son and brother, but such a precious, humble servant of the Lord who made a profound impact upon many, many lives.
With a tear-stained pillow, I've fallen alseep;
Night after night, I lay there and weep.
Sobbing and begging God for your life,
I wonder what He's thinking allowing such strife.
With a tear-stained pillow, I suddenly awake;
Remembering your words calms my heartache.
'Don't be bitter...Don't ask, Why?
Just know I'll be with Him when I die.'
With a tear-stained pillow, I picture that day
When the Lord calls you Home, you'll be on your way
To that beautiful City where you'll abide with Him,
Your Savior, your Father, your very best Friend.
With a tear-stained pillow, I find it hard to sleep
Imagining you on those bright, golden streets,
Walking with your Savior, finally Home
In that glorious place where you'll never be alone.
With a tear-stained pillow, I finally find peace
Knowing you're with Him, my grief begins to cease.
My sadness lifts, as I know there will come a day
When I'll be with you again, forever to stay.
~ Amber Bryant Clayton